
About Me

I was born in Brooklyn, NY almost 39 years ago and have lived in Queens all of my life. If I was able to I would move to the Pacific Northwest, even though I have yet to ever visit there.  One day I will have a cottage-style bungalow, dammit. I was an English major and Irish Studies minor in college and in true English major fashion I wound up in a job that has nothing to do with my degree - unless you count working on the same campus where I received it.  Go figure.

I started this blog because I've been following a number of excellent book bloggers this past year and decided that it might be a good idea to try one on for myself.  The goal, essentially, is to become more well-read. To shut off the TV and video games (i.e. not completely strike them from my life, just set limits) and get back to good old books.  I am woefully behind on my TBR pile. There are many holes in my classic literature education that I mean to fill though I don't wish to limit myself to just the classics.  There's plenty of genres out there that I wish I was more well-versed in, particularly in the non-fiction, history, science and politics categories.

What this blog is:  A fun way to make reading more integral to my life and to share my POV and make/welcome recommendations. 

What this blog isn't: Hyper-critical/academic essays on anything I read.  Where's the fun in that? There are plenty of authorities in the field of literary criticism one would rather read anyway.  I just want to throw my 2 cents into the blogosphere without too much fuss.

Unless otherwise stated I buy all of my books that are or will be mentioned on this blog. If  publishers happen to come across my little corner of the vast blog world and would like to send ARCs my way, I wouldn't say "no", so long as they are in line with my tastes.

Genres I enjoy: urban fantasy; mythic fiction, fairy tales; fairy tale re-tellings magical realism; sci-fi and fantasy; classics and so forth. Though I have enjoyed YA lit all of my life, it's only been recently that the bug has hit big time - darn those great bloggers! 

Genres I would like to get into: history (American, world, British Royals), biography, memoir, historical fiction

Some favorite authors:  Charles de Lint, Neil Gaiman, Terri Windling, Jim Butcher

Music: 80's, some metal, Loreena McKennitt, U2, Tori Amos

TV shows: Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who (fave docs are 2, 4, 7, 10), house hunting/decorating shows on HGTV, Gilmore Girls (I will get through Rory's reading list some day), Pushing Daisies and Firefly (two great shows canceled before their time! Boo!)

Video games: World of Warcraft ate my brain.  I've been playing it for nearly 6 years. I also hop into Lord of the Rings Online from time to time.  I am also a console gamer, however they've gone unused due to WoW.  However, I won't part with them, you can't make me!  I generally like an RPG type of game though I do appreciate a good action or shooter type of game.  I adore the Ratchet and Clank games to bits.